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Neighborhood Meeting – Sep 2021

September 21, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

All are welcome to attend! Meeting will be held via Zoom.

Join us September 21, 2021 as we learn about the upcoming Minneapolis election. 

Minneapolis has a significant vote coming up in November. Seats for City Council, Park Board, city administrative positions, as well as Mayor and Charter Amendments are all on the ballot.

  • Charter Amendments: Learn the details and potential impacts that the charter amendments will have on the city. A nonpartisan Minneapolis city clerk will be talking through what each amendment means and answering your questions.
  • Make a plan to vote! Learn what you can do to create a voting plan and ensure your voice is heard. League of Women Voters Minneapolis will be on the call to help you understand this important process.
  • Livable Lowry: Get an update on the Lowry Avenue Reconstruction project and ask questions on what’s coming up in the process.
  • 1030 Lowry Avenue multi-unit dwelling: Windom Park has a 3 story, 6-unit affordable housing dwelling proposed at 1030 Lowry Avenue. We’ll be hearing from DJR Architecture on the project and answering questions.

To join from your computer or tablet: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/864767044

To join from your phone for audio only, dial: 1 (312) 626-6799
Enter meeting ID 864 767 044 when prompted.


September 21, 2021
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Windom Park Citizens in Action
View Organizer Website





Windom Park Citizens in Action (WPCiA) is a 501c3 non-profit that serves as the voice of Windom Park neighborhood in Northeast Minneapolis. It is the city-designated citizen participation organization for this geographic area of Minneapolis, as well as the neighborhood's contracting organization for the city's Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP).

Our Goals

  1. Eliminate Disparities – Learn more
  2. Encourage Healthy, Safe & Connected People – Learn more
  3. Develop Complete Neighborhoods – Learn more
  4. Ensure a Clean Environment – Learn more

» Read more about how we selected these goals.