Small Area Plan Documents
WPCiA has completed the Windom Park Neighborhood Small Area Plan (SAP). This important document will provide direction for the neighborhood and the City of Minneapolis for the coming years on topics such as land use, zoning, density, transportation, parking, commercial area revitalization, and gateways. We thank all of you who provided input, answered our surveys, attended meetings, and served on the Steering Committee!
Please note that on Jan. 23, 2018, after considering the many comments on the SAP and motions made by neighbors attending the Jan. 16 neighborhood meeting, the Board of Directors voted to remove the Johnson Street opportunity site from the plan. Also removed are references to rezone the neighborhood to R3 (higher-density residential); instead, the document will express a preference that zoning in the neighborhood remains “as is.”
You can access the WPCiA Small Area Plan by downloading Volume 1 and Volume 2 here (approximately 12 MB each).
Other Key Milestones:
- Technical Memo #1 (December 2016)
- Initial Draft – Neighborhood Issues Map (Fall 2016)
- January 17, 2017 SAP Memo (Community Meeting No. 1 Summary)
- PowerPoint Presentation at 1-17-17 Community Meeting (Presentation from Community Meeting No. 1)
- “Safe Routes to School” (Minneapolis Public Schools bike-walk routes)
- Traffic Study Review related to Lowry Grove redevelopment
- Lowry Avenue NE Plan (Hennepin County)
- WPCiA’s Johnson Street design concepts (drafts from 5/9/17 meeting)
- WPCiA’s 5/15/17 updated Johnson Street design concepts and streetscape details
- Examples of Opportunity Sites from 9/12/17 steering committee meeting
- All Steering Committee Progress Reports to date
- A draft overview was presented at our Oct. 17, 2017, neighborhood meeting. We thank everyone who attended the meeting and engaged in the discussion. The draft Opportunity Sites, R3 rezoning, and Johnson Street traffic generated many comments at the meeting.
- Draft concepts presented by Biko Associates at 10-17-17 Community-Wide Meeting
- The plan was updated in November 2017, and the full document was posted here for final review and input by Dec. 15, 2017.
- The Board of Directors agreed to extend comment time to Jan. 16, 2018, following an Open House on Jan. 13 and the neighborhood meeting presentation on Jan. 16.
- A final vote on amendments to the document was taken by the board at its Jan. 23, 2018, meeting.
See also: Lowry Grove redevelopment plans
Windom Park Citizens in Action (WPCiA) is a 501c3 non-profit that serves as the voice of Windom Park neighborhood in Northeast Minneapolis. It is the city-designated citizen participation organization for this geographic area of Minneapolis, as well as the neighborhood's contracting organization for the city's Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP).
Our Goals
- Eliminate Disparities – Learn more
- Encourage Healthy, Safe & Connected People – Learn more
- Develop Complete Neighborhoods – Learn more
- Ensure a Clean Environment – Learn more